
18 February, 2004

A Non-Smoker Pleads Her Case - Lorianna Responds

The Non-Smoker, Heather

Heather left this nice little message for me in my guestbook. One time didn't seem to be enough for dear Heather (did she think I wouldn't get it if she only left it once?), no, dear sweet non-smoking Heather had to leave the same message three (yes, count em') three times! Here is her thrice-thrusted-upon-me-message:

if your smoking really was just damaging your own lungs it would be fine by me. if you want to slowly kill yourself and pay for your own health care when you eventually get cancer or some other smoking-related illness, that would be fine by me. instead, your smoking, and every other smoker's smoking, is slowly killing me and everyone else on the planet, while our taxes pay for the healthcare of everyone who dies from smoking. you can shove your rant about non-smokers up your ass. it's bullshit.

Nice grammar, Heather and I oh so love your punctuation skills! Your mum must be so proud.

The Long Awaited Response

First off, Heather, I am only ruining my lungs. I smoke in my home or outside away from everyone possible, including my cats. See, I even care about their lungs. Furthermore, I do pay for my own health care. I pay a top premium insurance policy because I am a smoker. You do not have to pay one red dime for MY health insurance. And finally, dear Heather, if you do not like being around smokers, don't go where smokers smoke. If you do not want your money going to pay for smokers' healthcare, then contact your Congressional representatives and have them work on a Healthcare package for snotty-nosed, uptight, non-smoking, bad-mouthing, whinny-ass HEATHERS in the world who cannot think for themselves enough to stay the hell away from a smoker.

As for this planet that you think smokers are killing, well, let me give you some facts, dear Heather. First, our planet emits its own dangerous chemicals any time there is a volcano erruption or an earthquake because there are dangerous toxins in the Earth's core. Secondly, large chemical and energy plants emit far worse toxins and chemicals in the air than smokers do and our wonderful President is allowing them to continue this, unchecked. So the next time you think a smoker is ruining your atmosphere and your own personal space, MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THEIR WAY. Go somewhere else. Get away from it. It really is that simple!

Oh and did I forget to mention that Heather was such a coward that she couldn't even include an email or website in her nasty message to me? Well, I am mentioning it now. HEATHER, YOU ARE A COWARD!

+ posted by lorianna66 at 12:52 a.m.

4 slipped off the lilypad

~ Did You Miss These? ~

The Fireman - 11 January, 2005
Way to go, Mel!! - 18 March, 2004
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On the Bandwagon... - 03 March, 2004
Some Random Thoughts - 27 February, 2004

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