
michelle - 2004-02-25 09:33:10
I agree with everything you have to say. Bush wants to "protect the sanctity of marriage" but how is one person's marriage, no matter who it is to, going to affect that one man.
Barbara - 2004-02-25 10:38:55
You tell 'em, sistah!
Pandionna - 2004-02-25 11:43:58
Any straight person who feels like his or her marriage or family will somehow be threatened by granting gays the right to marry must not be very secure in his or her marriage or family. Disgusting, what this president is all about.
Chaucee - 2004-02-25 20:20:25
I don't agree with everything you have said, but I admire your courage to write what you feel about this (some of us aren't so brave).
kathryn - 2004-02-26 07:19:17
I just found this through your banner... and you have so nicely put into words my thoughts exactly. I've been so irritated by everyone who is against the idea of gay marriage quoting the Bible. Yes, lovely. Your religion doesn't like gay marriage. Well, then... you can marry straight as long as you want... but since we this weird thing where church and state are seperate... well. Indeed. You know where I'm coming from. Sorry for incoherancies... but... lovely!
cabin-boy - 2004-02-26 14:45:37
If the christians want marriage to be a religous situation, between only a man a woman and god, then we can honor that without /taking away/ the civil rights of same sex couples to enjoy a similar CIVIL state- Me, I don't care what they call it- marriage, civil union, whatever- the real argument is that if a same sex couple live together for a real long time, and one is in a terrible accident- the remaining partner ought to have the same respect, legal rights, and honors that ANY married person gets- they shouldn't suddenly be bypassed by society as if their homes hadn't been the same completly co-mingled situation that a married (hetro) couple has, you know? That's always been MY personal take on it- it's about having the same rights as anyone should, if they choose to become a lifepartner/mate/etc. Yeah, that DOES lead to the issues of children, or sex, or or or... but those things are done by single hetro 'shack ups' every day, you know? I can't imagine why a small percentage of the world is getting SO threatened by this issue, that they're trying to declare a kind of civil war over it- are they SO insecure in their righteousness, that they fear they will go to hell if someone ELSE does?
ZARA - 2004-02-29 18:56:34
ya, man who cares shit about this fucking nation anyway, we all know presidents screwed, and were all all losing it too, going on debates of such fantastical origins. tell me about animals being gay. Gayness is not natural, mother-nature never made it that way. Just watch your next generation and ull realize what crazy things your children have learnt. MArriage by contract is like a guarantee... its a protection for both parties. imagine having no contract ok? no marriage contract... ure husband suddenly desides to leave with you haveing ure three kids... he can... and there is no way to prove he was ure husband and take out of him what is rightfully yours. By a contract there is always higher opportunity cost of leaving a marriage, legal issues etc, and that way, ppl wont be so rash in making decisoins when theyre at the peak of their angry mood, and maybe if the contract hadnt been there the fight wouldve happened. so about contracts being not important for nay marriage is wrong, its an integral support for the welfare of society. divorce rates are highest in America and only the blind would sitll wonder why and not figure it out himself. Women are the most insecure in such a society, cuz at all times they have to be the slaves of maleish desires... theres a constant war of who will seduce and attract whom. a woman can rarely feel not threatened by the millions of hot legs out there... exposed... and sometimes urd jsut wish theyd be a bit more decent... and women dont realize, theyve acutally lost power and identity. And about Gayness and marriages... its all well and good were allwogin everyone equal rights, but this is a new concept we have adopted acceptable... i think if it woul've been acceptble in the first place, it would have been done so a long time ago... gayness is on the rise... much higher in anytiem ever in history... its great were not letting the gays feel left out... and letting them express themselves, but any form of religion is important for the benefit of society. Becasue religoins were formed at a time much simpler than ours, materializm and individualism, and such concepts cam in the 18th century, and werent present back then. We shoudl realize our perceptions have now been tarnished by a lot of impurities and confusions... ethical boundries have blurred... but someone has to write the law... someone everyone will agree to listen to, besides the law of the state... and that is natural law, which have been deeply integrated into mose Religions.
metame - 2004-03-01 10:51:39
that god argument against gay marriage makes me quiver to the core. i like to parade my own marriage around as the exact reason why same sex marriage is in actuality a discrimination issue. First, I am a hardcore atheist and during my wedding ceremony there was not a single mention of god (performed by a minister of the unitarian-universalist church who was perfectly content to let my husband and I dictate the content of the ceremony). Second, I love my husband thoroughly and completely and could not imagine a single day without him in my life. But marriage was not a club I had any real enthusiasm to join, and I was decidely ant-marriage for most of my youth. This changed when it became obvious how few protections we in fact had as even a heterosexual couple that was unwed. Finally, upon the realization that if my job were to take me out of the country we were living in (and it did) that unless we were married it would not be an easy matter for my husband to accompany me. We were married and I'm actually very happy to be's the final kicker...there is something nice about officially making that commitment to one another (and yeah you don't need to pray to some so-called god to have these kinds of feelings for another human being)...any two people should have the right to take advantage of all that comes from this legal coupling, and I am startled by how numerous are the persons wanting to deny a permanent and valid segment of society of it. Shameful and now I've ranted for so long in this little box I am not positive that I make any sense but I feel so strongly about this and I appreciated your words on the matter and that's all. cheers and have a nice day :).

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