
Heather - 2004-03-03 19:37:51
I must say thank you for one specific thing you said in this entry. You mentioned "some Christians". THANK YOU for not labelling us all as right-wing psychos who only think one way. Not many people bother to notice those of us who are the so-called "liberal Christians". God knows what a dirty word liberal is in America. As for your comments on gay marriage, spot on. I have spent plenty of hours trying to convince the folks where I live (the Deep South) why gay marriage should be acceptable as barring it clearly violates the Bill of Rights. Oh, and if you think all *this* is crazy, you need to read about the Girl Scouts getting boycotted in Waco, Tx because of a minor affliation they have with Planned Parenthood. Funny stuff. I still haven't figure out how someone who was "embarassed" to look at a pamphlet that discussed sex, masturbation and condoms *with her own husband* is gonna get the nerve to talk about this with her kids.

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