
26 January, 2004

Things I Grok

You know how you just gravitate towards certain people? For me, it is artsy/smartsy people. Now before anyone gets offensive by my choice of words, artsy/smartsy is not a bad thing. (Gawd you cannot imagine how many times I have had to explain that!) What it does mean is Artsy people are like artists, writers, musicians/composers, and actors. Smartsy people are like mathematicians, philosophers, psychiatrists, sociologists, and historians. I understand these kinds of people. Those I do not understand are scientists, technologists, engineers, etc. I just do not use that side of my brain very well. When something gets too technical or the language turns scientific, I freak out. My brain cannot grok their information and turns to mush.

It also seems that I am attracted more to spiritual people than religious ones, to vegetarians and vegans than omnivores, and to herbalists and those who use alternative meds than medical-type people.

But you know what is strange, I really wish I could understand scientific and technological people. I wish I could understand how their brains' tick so I could make mine tick that way too. No matter how hard I try, though, I just cannot get it.


There is one group of people that I am partial to, those I call Darklings. Probably because I am one as well. Darklings have somber moods (not that it is impossible for them to be happy from time to time, they just chose to be somber), and usually embrace sci-fi/fantasy type literature and poetry, movies, etc. Some darklings are Goths, whereas, others just like the Gothic look in fashion, music, and literature. My favorite Darkling actress is Winona Ryder. Notice how somber she is in most of her roles? Christian Slayter is my favorite Darkling actor. He too usualy plays a more somber role in his films. Sylvia Plath is my favorite Darkling poet.

I think there is a huge misunderstanding out there about Darklings. We are extremely intelligent; we just chose to keep our knowledge to ourselves or share among like-minded people. And yeah, to the Shrinks, we are usually Schiziods or Schizotypals. Oh how they love to label us as something, anything, so that it makes their world safe.

What amuses me the most is that the world, in general, fears us. Ha! The poor misguided world! If only they knew that so long as we are left alone, we could care less about them. However, we live in a world that has become team oriented. If you apply to most jobs, one of the first questions you are asked is: are you a team player? Fuck no! I don't want to be apart of a team! Just give me my assignments and leave me be! No, this does not go over well with most interviewers. Guess this is why I do not work in a team oriented atmosphere. (smirks)

This is how I feel about team-work. It is one step towards Communism. Everyone working towards one goal, usually that of the BOSS or the GOVERNMENT. Someone else gets rich and fat off of my hardwork and to hell with us peons. Humans are NOT ants! Now I don't mind sharing with others in a social setting of my choice; however, do not force me to share with others when it is not my choice.

Yeah, I am warped that way...

+ posted by lorianna66 at 8:38 a.m.

0 slipped off the lilypad

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Some Random Thoughts - 27 February, 2004

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